My first PhD student defended his thesis on Wednesday, May 10th. Manvendra Singh joined my lab in 2018 and since then has been a constant and reliable force in the group.

I prepared an intro slideshow which highlights multiple facets of Manvendra I came to know during the years.

His contributions to the lab are difficult to account for properly and they are more numerous than simple bean counting would suggest. Still, you can see the papers he published; his thesis is 828 pages long (shout-out to the committee members). (De Broglie’s thesis was famously 73 pages long, so yes, we know it’s not about the thickness of the thesis.) If he ever prints it, we decided on maroon cover and gold letters in horizontal disposition of the book’s spine.

Some time is needed to properly assess the value of what we have done together, but I have a positive feeling about it. Good luck, Manvendra!

Thank you slides following the research part of the dissertation defense.
Making a dent in the ceiling with a champagne bottle cork, and signing: a tradition I adopted from Stuart Schreiber’s lab at Harvard and Broad.
Dinner at Culinaria with the group + Bharti, Agrim, and Avyan.