Oncogenes are genes that code for proteins that cause cancer.
- Myc is a transcription factor
- K-Ras is a [[GTPase]]
- EGFR is a [[receptor tyrosine kinase]]
- Abl is a [[cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase]]
- Src is [[cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase]]
- YAP is a [[transcriptional coactivator]]
- PDGF is a [[growth factor]] or mitogen
- Raf is a [[cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase]]
- CDK is a [[cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase]]
Tumor-suppressor genes:
- Rb controls [[DNA Replication, cell division and death]]
- p53 controls apoptosis
- BCL2 controls apoptosis
- VHL controls [[Cell differentiation]]
- BRCA2 controls [[Cell division and death, and repair of double-stranded DNA breaks]]
- SWI/SNF [[chromatin remodeling]]